Useful information

Cancellation 2 weeks or more before arrival: 100% refund
Cancellation 2 – 1 weeks before arrival: 50% refund
Cancellation 7 – 3 days before arrival: 25% refund
Cancellation 3 days or less before arrival: 0% refund

Is the campsite open year round?

Can i reserve a space?

Yes! Click here to reserve a space

Whats the price?
Price info

How do i get in touch?

Use the contact form or call +47 930 40 577

Do you have any cabins for rent?

No, sorry!


  • Park only on dedicated spaces or areas
  • Your stay must be payed immediately after arrival.
  • Minium distance between camping units
  • Vogn/bobil skal ikke plasseres slik at den blokkerer eller stenger andre vogn/bobiler inne.
  • Å holde av plass til andre ved å plassere ut stoler og lignende er ikke tillatt.

Ro og orden

  • Det skal være ro på plassen mellom 23:00 og 07:00
  • Gjester som opptrer overstadig beruset, viser usømmelighet eller forstyrrer ro og orden, kan vises bort.


  • Det er kun strømuttak på strømsøyler som skal brukes som strømforsyning til vogn/bobil.
  • Et uttak skal kun benyttes av én vogn/bobil. Det er ikke tillatt å fordele eller på andre måter dele uttak med andre.
  • Kabel skal være godkjent for utendørs bruk og ha et tverrsnitt på 2,5 mm2. Lengden skal ikke være lenger enn 25 meter.
  • Dersom du bruker kabeltrommel må kabel rulles helt ut ved bruk.


  • Gråvann skal kun tømmes ut i sluk ved tømmestasjon.
  • Kast husholdningsavfall i container. Annet søppel må tas med og kastes et annet sted.

Where can i eat?

We have own restaurant on site (Tommys Kjøkken) which will serve you delicious home made food.



Zone A

Spacious spaces along the harbour close to the beach. Parking on asphalt with grass in front. Suitable for campers and caravans – see each space for details. 10A power socket.

Zone B

Placed along the inner harbor, all front-row spaces (1B-8B) have a view of the harbour. Parking on asphalt. Not suitable for caravans with awning/tent. 10A power sockets.

Zone C

Very nice area with spaces on asphalt with a 4 meter wide strip of grass between each space and a view of fjord. See each space for details. 16A power sockets.

Zone D

Large spaces (10×10 meter) on grass. Suitable for both caravans, tents and campers. 16A power sockets.

Utforsk de grønne øyene

På Sokn Camping er du ikke langt fra flotte turopplevelser eller kulturminner.

Utstein monastery

Norway’s only preserved medieval monastery Located in beautiful surroundings on Mosterøy, Harald Fairhair had his royal estate here. In the Middle Ages, it was a monastery for Augustinian monks and later a bailiff’s residence in the 1700s. Today, Utstein Monastery is operated as a museum, conference venue, banquet hall, and concert arena. The monastery is […]

Fjøløy fortress

For over 70 years, the 270-acre area of Fjøløy has been closed to the public. The fortress was established by the Germans in 1941 and taken over by the Norwegian military in 1945. The area served as a coastal fortress until 1999 and as a training ground until 2009. In 2011, it was converted into […]

Sokn viking grave

Within walking distance from Sokn Camping there’s an old viking grave located in a green lush environment following Soknasundet. The path is mostly gravel/farm road. It is clearly marked and is around 1,8 km long round trip. From Sokn Camping it is around 1,5 km to the start point. Parking is available. Well suited for […]


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